Monday, 13 July 2015

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Career Oppertunities In Wood Science And Technology

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimated that the forest industry contributed approximately 1 percent of global gross value added to global GDP in 2006. The total forest cover of India in 69.79 million hectare which is 21.23% of the total geographical area of the country. The total annual consumption of wood in household construction and furniture, industrial consumption, and agriculture implements is estimated to be 48 million cum and total annual consumption of fuel wood for the country is 216.42 million tonnes. Our forests are under extreme pressure due to over increasing population. There needs a strong team of forestry professionals, scientist and wood technologist to optimize the consumption of wood, resulting mitigate the burden on natural forest. Pulp and paper represented about 40 % of this contribution. The forestry and prime timber processing industry contributes huge employment in primary wood processing (saw-milling, panels and pulp and paper) and forestry businesses. The vast majority of these businesses are among the small and medium sized enterprises. Wood has always provided society with its basic need for fuel and shelter. The aesthetic and decorative characteristics of wood are incentives for its use in paneling, furniture, and architectural design. Wood products emerging from production facilities, however, satisfy a wider variety of human needs and wants. Consider a few of the things around us implements for works, toys for play, houses, furniture, books and newspapers, photographic film, and energy conveniences and necessities all supplied by wood. The list goes on to include lumber, plywood, particleboard, fiberboard, pallets and numerous other industrial and consumer commodities, and the list continues to grow.
Our society is facing diminishing supplies of non-renewable resources and increased costs for their procurement. Compared to wood, non-renewable resources, such as oil and iron ore, have high energy requirements for conversion into finished goods. Wood as a renewable resource, is an attractive alternative. Accordingly, an increase in the use of wood and the variety of products produced from it, promise a bright future for the wood-using industries and our society. Though the history of forestry in India is very old but processing and utilization efficiency of wood products are not competing with other countries. Currently the research education and extension in wood technology in India are being pursued by Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) under Ministry of Environment and Forests. A comprehensive approach in the field of wood technology will be a viable option towards mitigating climate change and conservation of natural forests.

Education In Wood Technology

 Wood science and technology is an essential subject offered during graduation in forestry (B.Sc. forestry). Wood science and technology is an expanding career oppurtunity for individuals interested in material science, engineering, material processing, chemistry, or marketing. It is an interdisciplinary field that has its foundation in the physical sciences, with a direct link to applications of technology. Graduates of a wood science and Technology proggram have a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of wood as a raw material. This knowledge includes the anatomical, physical, chemical and mechanical properties of wood in addition, students receive training in the major wood processing operations, wood seasoning, wood Based Panels, Forest products, adhesives, Timber Engineering and construction, Product Design and Fabrication, wood working and finishing and chemical modification. Depending upon their career intrests students supplement their knowledge of wood as a material by a selection of additional courses within a specified area.

Procedure Of admission

In India, Forest Research Institute(FRI) under ICFRE is only offering the Master degree in wood Technology. The admission selection procedure in the Master's in wood technology, one can apply after completion of graduation in science, Forestry/ Agriculture/ Basic sciences etc. The process of selection in master's degree is through qualifying the entrance exam conducted at all India level similarly, for Ph.D. one can take admission in the Institute of wood science and technology(IWST) Bangalore, India Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute(IPIRTI), Bangalore, central Pulp and paper Research Institute(CPPRI) and FRI. The National Eligibility Test(NET) in forestry examination conducted by Agricultural scientist Recruitment Board(ASRB) of ICAR, Pusa, New Delhi, One of the important certificates for lectureship, which can be attended by post Graduate students of wood technology. Beside this the Post-Doctoral Fellowship(PDF) in wood technology and allied science is also offered by various National and International Universities / Organizations. 

Employment and career Opportunities 

The opportunities for a satisfying career in the wood science and technology sector are wide-ranging. Currently employment openings exceed the number of post-graduates available to fill them, and this shortage is expected to continue in future. Salaries in the field of wood science and technology can be compared favorably with those offered to engineers and scientists in the country. The career advancement in this field is also excellent. The different sectors/ areas where wood technology professionals are being placed are manufacturing , technical service, research and marketing. Candidates having master degree in wood technology are recruited by central Govt., State Govt., and forest Departments for the post of scientist B, handicraft promotion officer Quality inspector and logging officer. Wood technology professionals in the rural development projects as project officer for the activities related to livelihood and small scale cottage industries. In private sector these professionals can take up employment as technical personnel either in laboratories and R&D.


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